Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What happened in April?

April came with a lot of wind. We had warm days and then we had cold days again. The weather just couldn't seem to make up its mind. It was a good month, and we stayed busy. We got the pool and hot tub running, so that is really exciting. Madison is loving the water, and cries everytime it is time to get out.
Madison is hanging with her cousins Evan and Conner after a full night of swimming.

Picture of our slide. We sent Madison down a couple of times. She is still not too sure of it.

Hanging with family in the hot tub.

Madison took a short break from her swimming so she could eat a hotdog, and then it was back to the action.

Madison and Rob the first time we heated our hot tub. Madison loves the water. We need to get her into swimming lessons soon.
Madison woke up early one morning and I knew that she was still tired. We came and laid down on the couch and this is what happened. She was teething at the time and not feeling too well.

Rob found this spider on the driveway one night. He said it really scared him at first. That thing is huge!! He took it to work and let it g0.
Aunt Lisa (aka Grandma Lisa) Vanessa, and Melia came down from Orem Utah to spend the week with us. It was a lot of fun. Madison had a ball with them, and loved all of the loves that she got from them.

Easter Sunday

I know I am a little behind on this post. We had a good Easter this year. We watched General Conference, watch Madison go find eggs in the front yard, and we had a yummy dinner at Rob's parents house. We had dinner at their house last year, so I thought it would be fun to see how much Madison has grown.
In this picture she was watching her cousins jump on the trampoline and she wanted to join in.

This year she was all over the place. She loves to go down slides, and she is starting to get the hang of trampolines. It was a good Easter.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Favorite pictures of Madison

This picture cracks me up. When we were little we would put our pants on our heads, so I thought I would do the same thing with Madison.
This was a nice family picture taken at the temple. It was really hot that day so we look a little beat!!
This last summer Madison and I went back to PA to visit GG, G-Pa and Spencer. She was so close to crawling when we were there. She actually started crawling the day after we got back.

This is where we spent a lot of time last summer. She liked to eat the balls, and most of the time she tried climbing out.

This is a precious picture of my little angel. She was just a couple of weeks old. She was giving us the thumbs up sign.

I love the picture of Madison and I. She is so happy!!

This is her showing off her new shopping cart. I love the flip flops that she is wearing. She doesn't know how to take them off yet. She is still getting used to them.

Don't be fooled by this face. She is always up to something. She loves to explore, and figure things out.
She is a very good helper. She was helping me dust. She loves to sit on these chairs. Most of the time,however, she uses them to climb onto bigger things.

Madison loves her baby dolls. She loves to rock them and push them around in her stroller. Too bad we lost this baby doll when we went to Disneyland.

Looking back

Since it is almost time for our little boy to come, I thought I would look back and get back into little baby mode. We are really excited for our little man to come. He is due to arrive July 8.
This is Madison playing in the snow up in Mt. Charleston. Rob and I stayed in a cabin up there for our wedding night, and thought we would go again.

This was taken on Memorial day in 2009. We had been camping up in Utah. We stopped to see Rob's grandparents. While we were there his cousin and her family were out swimming, so we thought we would send our beach babe in the water as well.
This picture makes me so happy. We both had just got home from work and we were playing with Madison. She usually was like this all of the time.

This picture makes me both happy and sad. I hated that Madison had to spend time in the hospital. I know she was getting great care, but it was still hard. I am glad that she was doing so well, and didn't have to stay too long. The big board is for all of her IV's. At least the nurses made her "home" a pretty place while she was there.

I still can't believe she was so little. This is the day that she came home from the hospital. As you can see she liked her pacifier even back then.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Madison is a fish!

On Monday March 29 we went over to Rachel and Adam's house for FHE. They had a BBQ and swimming. The weather was warm outside but they had to heat the pool. I was afraid Madison was going to be really cold, but she cried when we took her out. She loved swimming with her dad. She would kick her legs and her arms. She even went underwater a couple of times and didn't even care. She loved it. We were able to get to come out so she could eat a hot dog. She ate it really fast and then wanted to jump back in. She had a great time jumping off the sides to her dad. She went back and forth from the hot tub to the pool. I think she is ready for summer!!

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday March 27 we went to an event called the Great Las Vegas Egg Drop. It was at a park right by our house. It was a free event so we decided to go. Rob bought Madison a basket that has a butterfly on it and she was ready to go. It was really windy that day but it didn't stop people from coming. There was a huge turn out. This was the first time they held this event and they said that they were not expecting this many poeple. It was still fun though.

Madison is checking out her egg after she went and collected some. She only got about 3 eggs. Someone stole one of them as well.

They divided the fields into age groups. Then they laid all of these eggs down. Then right before it started they had a helicopter fly over the field and drop more eggs. They said they had about 3,000 eggs over the three fields. The funny thing is that the eggs did not have any candy in them. You had to go to a tent to receive the candy. We just decided to go home. It was a fun day though. They also had bounce houses, food, and music. Madison was dancing to all of the music. This girl really knows how to party.

Random Things

This is a picture of our house with the tree in full bloom.
Briant and Melissa with Madison on the last day of thier visit.

Briant and I with Madison.
All of Madison's buddies. There is Piper, Raegan, Madison and Allison. They are all two months apart from each other.
Madison hanging out in one of her favorite places. Our shower!